"When you reach the heart of life you shall find beauty in all things, even in the eyes that are blind to beauty." Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, January 27, 2013

One of "Those" Days

There have been days where I've found myself questioning where I've put myself in life.
Many days that I wonder if I should have done things differently, made different choices, spent less time on "adventures" and more time on securing my future...  You get the idea.

Today, however, is not one of those days.

I started off this Sunday surrounded by the people I love most in my life.  Laughing with my husband, and having a tickle fight with the children that invaded our bed.
I headed downstairs to tackle the dishes, and start breakfast, happy and content.

I am a lucky woman.  While there are many obstacles still in front of me, many inner doubts and fears, I am still here; in a home with my best friend and three very amazing kids.
I could write about our challenges -- Aubrie, home ownership, debt, etc -- but instead I'm moving along with the determination I talked about in my previous post.

I won't lie, I haven't jumped leaps and bounds and found myself practicing yoga every single day, but I have managed to hammer out four, fifty minute sessions this week.  I also spent the ENTIRE day yesterday attacking my house.  I dusted, swept, organized, gathered, cleaned, cooked, grocery shopped, and corralled nearly every spot in my house.  It still has a little ways to go, but I feel absolutely content with the idea of tackling the rest next weekend. 

We also got really exciting news yesterday, we'll be adding another member to our family very soon!

This adorable little guy is a Great Dane/Border Collie mix and gets to come home March 12th! We haven't told the kids, so I can't wait to see their reaction when we pick him up.

All in all, today is a good day.  One I've chose to log as such, so that I can come back and remind myself when one of "those" days creeps up on me.

Until Next time...


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