Thursday, February 5, 2015

Because How Much Grander Would Life Be if We Encouraged Everyone Around Us to Be Happy?

I don't  know about you, but I'm sick of the flood of judgements I'm faced with daily. They may not all be directed at me, but the negativity reaches far past the person that's being singled out. It settles over the people who read/hear/see it like a storm cloud. Raining on those who think differently. What happened to the golden rule? A small piece of wisdom our parents passed on to us as children that we've somehow forgotten as we've grown older. More than ever, I believe society needs to reflect on that small token of advice. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.

It seems elementary for me to throw that out there, but I really believe some people are incapable of agreeing to disagree. They've made it their own personal mission to make everyone take their side. Here's a newsflash for you though: THERE ARE NO SIDES. No matter what you believe, we are all in this together. I am not in the habit of competing with anyone else. I want to live a long healthy and happy life and do the best that I can as a mother to ensure my children can as well. In the end, isn't that what we all want? Happiness.

Can we all come to a silent agreement that more often than not we settle for less than we deserve? Yes? Ok good. Friends, we really need to stop this. I won't judge the moments you aren't proud of. I won't run off and gossip about your failings as a parent, friend, or person. In fact, I'll let you in on a little secret.... most of those so called "failings" aren't failings at all. They're trial runs. They are those moments of learning you need to make you better. We all have them. We all make decisions we question, we regret, we deny. Every person I know. So I think it's safe to assume that goes for every person I don't know too.  We spend so much time getting hung up on these moments that we forget to see that glimmer of good shining through. It's there my friends. Hiding amongst the chaos. Well camouflaged so that only the ones truly seeking it out find its beautiful rays of hope. A promise that this isn't your life, but a tiny piece of the  puzzle that makes you, you.

So here's my heartfelt assurances to you my friends. I will not judge your beliefs, I'm so very glad that you have them. I will not judge your lifestyle choice. Gay, straight, Republican, Democrat, addict, doesn't matter one bit to me. I will not judge you as a parent, we are all doing the best that we can with what we have. I salute you for being there for your children. I will not judge your facebook posts, your crazy hairstyle choice, the color of your skin, your economic status, your education. I will not judge. We are imperfect. The way we are meant to be. I will not cram my God down your throat or pretend that my ways are the best ways. But, I'll be there to lend an ear when you feel like no one is listening. I'll be there to hold your hand when you're feeling afraid. I'll be there cheering you on as you take an unsure leap into your future. I'll be that voice when you feel like you can't speak. Friends, I'm here for you.

I'm beside you 100% of the way with my own insecurities, my own reservations, my own shortcomings. I question everything I do. I can't take compliments as much as I can't take criticism. I make mistakes every day. I'm not perfect as a mother or as a person. Some days I feel like I'm bat shit crazy. Some days I spend more time yelling than speaking. Some days I let my kids hang out in their pajamas all day. Some days I make macaroni and cheese and hot dogs and call it supper. Some days I can't make myself see past all the negative that surrounds me.

But, some days aren't every day.

You have to make it through the storm clouds to see the sunshine. Even on the days where you can no longer tell which are tears and which are raindrops.  That silver lining is hiding in there. Reminding us that every time we survive something that has hurt us we have just become a little more tough. A little more prepared. A little more grateful. Friends don't turn some days into every day. Don't let the harshness of society and it's ever-evolving need to judge, harden the softess of your heart. And on the days you find this impossible to do please remember me, cheering you on. We are in this life together. I want your happiness as much as my own. Because how much grander would life be if we encouraged everyone around us to be happy.

Spread kindness friends, not judgements.

Until next time,

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